How to Choose a Poker Professor
If you are not an experienced poker player, you may have the idea that poker professors are just someone who pretends to be an Agen Poker Online expert, but they actually know nothing. This is not true; poker professors are extremely talented individuals and they have learned how to play poker since they were young kids. They are experts in their field.
In fact, some poker professors even have schools for kids. It is not difficult to find one of these schools, especially if you look for the right kind of person. Here are some of the things you should be looking for when it comes to finding a poker professor.
The first thing you should be looking for is whether or not the poker professor has credentials to back up what he or she is saying. It is difficult to believe anything a poker professor says unless he or she has proven to be an expert. Take some time to investigate the credentials of any poker coach you are considering, and be sure to check with an education professional for a list of credentials. There are many people who claim to be teachers of poker, but the only proof you will find is that they have a degree in something related to teaching.
Another way to determine if a poker teacher is a real expert is to ask some questions. Find out what sorts of things they have experienced with. For example, if they played poker at a higher level than you, it is a good sign that they have expertise. If they have been playing in tournaments long enough to be a professional, then you can assume that they have a lot of experience.
If you are unable to get this information from your own instructor, then ask a professor about the top-ranked players in poker. Look for the players who come in at the top of the leaderboard of any tournament that the poker coach is involved in. You may be able to find out who they are without spending too much time investigating.
One of the last pieces of information you should be looking for when researching a poker coach is the amount of experience they have in teaching poker. Not all of them will be able to provide this information, but it is important that they are willing to share it. This will help you get a better understanding of the amount of training and experience they have under their belt.
You should also check with the poker coach's supervisor for verification. Ask for an official copy of his or her syllabus and study notes. This will give you an idea of how well they have prepared for the class, and you will be able to gauge their expertise based on these factors.
This is the best way to determine whether a poker teacher is good. Studying them personally can give you an honest opinion, but contacting the school itself can give you more conclusive information. This is the only way to find a genuine, proven poker teacher.